Sunday School Lessons
Welcome to the Sunday School Lesson Archive! From this page you have access to over six years of Sunday School lessons, all written by Dr. Flanders.
Christ In The Psalms The Psalms gladden the hearts of Christians in times of trouble, and put into their mouths words of praise for times of rejoicing. They also tell us much about our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 Lessons |
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Freedom “As he spake these words, many believed on him. Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:30-32) 6 Lessons |
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What’s So Great About Fundamental Baptists? This series of lessons has been planned to show that being in this movement is not a matter of denominational prejudice, but rather a matter of scriptural conviction. 6 Lessons |
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God and the President Bible Truths Expounded and Illustrated By the Lives and Words of America’s Chief Executives 4 Lessons |
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God and You at Home Basic principles of personal and family devotion. 2 Lessons |
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The God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob Bible Lessons About God, Redemption, And A Family 13 Lessons |
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The Great Things That Elisha Hath Done One of the great prophets and miracle-workers of the Bible was Elisha. His ministry after the translation of his master Elijah covered over fifty years, and was marked by mighty evidences of the power of faith in God. Let us let our faith grow as we study what Elisha did. 12 Lessons |
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Hard to Believe Help From Jesus Christ for Doubters and Skeptics 6 Lessons |
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A Man Named Hezekiah Hezekiah was a very good king! What the Bible says about his reign helps us see how to face evil and trouble successfully. 8 Lessons |
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Hosea’s Message For Us: Understanding God’s Love The Book of Hosea is not very widely studied by God’s people these days, but it has one of the most important messages in the Bible! 7 Lessons |
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How to Live Right The Bible teaches us not only how God wants us to live, but also how to live that way. This ten-lesson series will give practical, but Biblical, instruction on the “how-to” of Christian living, based on the Ten Commandments. 10 Lessons |
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How To Understand The Bible It is very important to know and understand what the Bible says. The Bible is actually the very Word of God to man. Everything our Creator wants us to know about Him, about ourselves, about the past, and about the future, He has given to us in the Bible. 7 Lessons |
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In The Beginning The Bible begins with the Book of Genesis, the book of beginnings. Among many other things, Genesis gives us the basics of God’s revealed truth. 44 Lessons |
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Knowing Romans Everybody should know what’s in the Book of Romans! It’s the book in the Bible that tells us virtually all about Christ’s salvation of sinners. How can a sinner who deserves to go to Hell end up going to Heaven? What has God done to make it so that men will be saved by faith in Christ? If a person is saved by grace, what is his motivation to obey God’s commandments? These and other vital questions are answered in the Book of Romans. 12 Lessons |
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Let’s Have A Revival! “In all my ministry, I have never seen a true revival.” So have many preachers of recent generations told countless congregations. These can be somewhat discouraging words, can they not? Is the preacher right when he says this? Probably not, at least if we use the term “revive” in the sense the Bible uses it. According to God’s Word, the Lord is the Great Reviver of His people. 12 Lessons |
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Life After Death The series of lessons deals with the matter of life after death, and what the Bible has to say about it. The Bible says many plain things about this subject, and it is the only authoritative source of information about life after death. Attend class every week, and invite friends to join the interesting discussion, too. 8 Lessons |
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My Part in the Great Commission Every generation of Christians since our Lord’s return to Heaven has been responsible to carry out the Great Commission. Every individual Christian is responsible to do his part. Do you know what your part is? When Jesus comes again, we will have to give an account to Him about how we fulfilled our duty in regard to the Great Commission. 6 Lessons |
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Noah’s Ark Lessons for the Whole Family on the Flood and Its Meaning to Us. 8 Lessons |
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Normal Christianity So many believers live subnormal Christian lives that when some start living normal Christian lives, they seem to be super-normal! When a Christian begins walking on what the New Testament presents as the normal plane for God’s children, he has experienced revival. 12 Lessons |
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The Original Pattern for Marriage The family is presented as a divinely-ordained and ordered institution. It was created for man’s happiness and success. If we are to fix the problems we may have in our marriages and families today, we must “go back to the basics,” and discover what God says marriage is really about. 9 Lessons |
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Our American Heritage The Spiritual Background of Our Nation’s History 7 Lessons |
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Parables from the Lips of The Lord Jesus Christ The word “parable” is used many times in the Bible, both in the Old and the New Testaments. We find parables mentioned in the prophecies of Balaam, in the sayings of Job, in the poetry of the psalmists, in the proverbs of Solomon, and in the books of the prophets, but the most famous parables of all are those spoken by Jesus Christ Himself. 20 Lessons |
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Principles of Family Living Biblical instruction for family life the way God designed. 9 Lessons |
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Problem Solving Problem solving chapters of the Bible 7 Lessons |
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The 8th of Romans: A Tremendous Chapter in the Bible The eighth chapter is truly the pivotal chapter of the book. It is the longest chapter, the middle verse of Romans is 8:31, and all of the major subjects covered in the main sections of the book are also discussed here. 6 Lessons |
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Sacrifices This series looks at each kind prescribed for the Israelites in the Law of Moses, what it meant to them, what it means to us, and how it pictures Christ. It will also look at the different kinds of sacrifices that we as believer-priests are told to offer. In each of these lessons, we will grow in our understanding of what it means to offer a sacrifice to God! 8 Lessons |
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Soul Saving Scriptures These lessons teach us how to leas a soul to Christ from various portions of the Bible. 4 Lessons |
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The Fishermen What the Bible Says about the Fishermen Jesus Called to Fish for Men 4 Lessons |
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The Lord Our God “. . . that thou mayest know that there is none like unto the LORD our God.” (Exodus 8:10) 6 Lessons |
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The Millennium The Word of God in every division speaks of the future world-wide reign of Jesus Christ on earth. Students of the Scripture have named that peaceful and righteous kingdom the Millennium because the Book of Revelation says it will last a thousand years. How it will come and what it will bring to our world are the subjects of this series of lessons. 7 Lessons |
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The Story of Easter Six Bible lessons about the days just before and after the cross. 6 Lessons |
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The Touch of Jesus Lessons from miracles Jesus did, as they are recorded in the Book of Luke. 12 Lessons |
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The Virgin Mary Mary, the mother of Jesus, has great attraction for Baptists, and for Christians of every name, and not only for people who wrongfully worship and petition her. 3 Lessons |
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To Bear Witness Lessons About Winning Souls From the Book of John 8 Lessons |
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What it Means Important Bible ideas defined and explained 10 Lessons |
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Your Ministry Fulfillment in life depends, to a large degree, upon finding and fulfilling your own ministry. Finding out about your personal ministry to the church and to the world depends much upon understanding what the Bible says about the gifts of God. 12 Lessons |
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Read Revelation “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” (Revelation 1:3) 12 Lessons |
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Comments (5)
Hi, I teach high schoolers at Sunday school at Ravenswood Covenant Church in Chicago, IL and we have been using your Revelation study as an outline for the past 6 weeks to work our way slowly through the book. It has been great to have another perspective to help these kids have different interpretations to help them understand God revealing Himself to us. Unfortunately, I didn’t download the remaining lessons and now I am unable to find them on your new website. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind emailing me the remaining study guides. I appreciate it enormously!
Hello Ben,
I just added the Revelation series to the new site for you.
Thanks for using the series!
I see you have the new site up now. Congratulations. I was also glad to learn you’ll be preaching in our services on December 19 ( I’m looking forward to seeing you again.
Hi Dr. Flanders,
I’m trying to find your SS lessons based on 1 Chronicles. Was the title something like “Doing Great Things for God?”
Jason Valentin
Thank you so much for making such great Sunday School material available free of charge! It has been a blessing to me and I enjoy giving it to our church.
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