Archive for the Travel Reports Category
A Report from Kenya, 2014

“The Adventures of Rick and Toni Flanders for the Cause of Revival” I am writing you on our last scheduled day in Africa for the Kenya Mission many of you have prayed for. My purpose is to sum up what has happened, to thank and praise the Lord, to express my appreciation to those who […]
Nairobi Mission 2014 Update
Praying Friend: Thanks for letting me keep you posted on preparations for our mission to Kenya next year. I have bought our plane tickets at a really good price, $1817.15, total! Toni and I will leave on January 17 from O’Hare Airport in Chicago, and come back onFebruary 5. Here is the update on our funds: Amount […]
Nairobi Mission 2014

Plans have been made for Dr. Rick Flanders and his wife, Toni, to minister again in Kenya at the beginning of 2014. In January of 2009, five fundamental Baptist missionaries organized a Bible college in Nairobi, Kenya, to train men and women to play key roles in the evangelization of the multitudes that live in […]
The Revival Tour of Israel

Greetings from Falls Baptist Church and Baptist College of Ministry, We are very excited about our upcoming Revival Tour of Israel next spring (March 23-April 2, 2014). Both Dr. Van Gelderen and Dr. Flanders have expressed to me their personal sense of anticipation about this trip and we believe the Lord has great and mighty […]